Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine in Melbourne

Dr. Esther Tzu-Ya Huang practices Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at CityHealth, bringing bodies back into balance with this ancient system of Eastern healing.

Chinese Medicine is a system of therapy based on East Asian concepts and principles of balance and connectivity within the human body. When the body is in balance, Chinese medical theory posits that illnesses can be treated and health can be achieved. To accomplish the latter, Chinese Medicine uses a variety of therapeutic disciplines:

Acupuncture focuses on establishing balance by working on Qi (pronounced CHEE) in the human body. Qi can be likened to the understanding of electromagnetic energy; insubstantial to sight and touch, but active in the human condition. Qi is activated by the stimulation of acupoints in the body. Stimulation is carried out by gently inserting very fine needles into acupoints. A qualified acupuncturist can expertly work on Qi by stimulating acupoints to relax the body, relieve pain, promote blood flow, and achieve a state of wellbeing.

Moxibustion is used to achieve the same purpose as acupuncture. Where acupuncture uses needles, moxibustion uses heat to stimulate acupoints. The heat is created by burning fluff produced from the mugwort plant. While acupuncture may be more recognised and widespread than moxibustion, there are records in Chinese medical literature to support moxibustion as the choice of therapy over acupuncture for particular conditions such as arthritis, gout, and chronic illness.

Cupping, like moxibustion, follows the same aims as acupuncture. As per the name, cupping uses glass cups to stimulate acupoints on the back or large muscles of the limbs. A low pressure region is created inside the glass cup using heat or pump suction, and then placed on the back. When the cup comes in contact with the skin, a suction force is created. This action promotes blood flow in the local area and can help to ease muscle aches and pains.

With the broad range of therapies available within Chinese Medicine, your qualified and registered Acupuncturist/Chinese Medicine practitioner at CityHealth can treat a multitude of conditions.

More info: Benefits of Acupuncture

What can Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine help?

  • Anxiety, depression, panic attacks, insomnia, stress related issues
  • Back pain, joint pain, sciatica, muscle aches
  • Asthma, hayfever, sinus problems, eczema
  • Irritable bowel, constipation, diarrhoea, Coeliacs, ulcerative colitis
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Stroke rehab, facial paralysis, circulatory problems
  • Menstrual problems, menopausal problems, fertility enhancement
  • Fatigue and tiredness

Many patients also look to acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for preventative treatment. A Doctor of Chinese Medicine can often detect and treat imbalance before the patient is aware of any symptoms.


Your diagnosis will be based on your individual history, symptoms and presentation. It will be explained to you in Chinese Medicine terms, as well as everyday terms that relate to your body and the condition you are experiencing.


Acupuncture is the insertion of fine, stainless steel needles into acupuncture points. This is a process of re-tuning your body and bringing your Qi back into balance based on ancient healing methods, practiced for over five thousand years. This delicate therapy is gentle and very relaxing.

Does it hurt?

While styles of acupuncture vary, we believe that good acupuncture shouldn’t be painful. In most cases only a slight prick can be felt when the needle penetrates the skin. When the needle reaches the pressure point, there is another sensation often described as a dull ache, or a numb, tingly feeling. This sensation lasts for a couple of seconds and is quite comfortable. Some patients don’t feel anything at all.

Conveniently Located in CBD Melbourne

Ideal for lunch break appointments for busy professionals